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Dear Member,

The Jamaican Adventist Association is pleased to welcome you.

The mission of JAA is to facilitate early childhood and college education by providing funding and technological systems that advance the welfare of youths and families.

Please review your membership benefits. Your membership benefits include:

  • One free financial seminar per year
  • One free health seminar per year
  • Two free network events per year
  • 10% discount on all paid events
Annual dues: 3 options: 

Silver-$115 all listed benefits.
Gold member – $550 all listed benefits plus free business ads on our website and on our all-event flyer/promotion material
Platinum member- $1250 all listed benefits of silver and gold members, plus free admittance to all events and VIP accommodations at JAA events.

    Silver: $115.00Gold: $550.00Platinum: $1250.00

    Services your fund will help to facilitate includes:

    • Academic Support Services
    • Advocacy Services
    • Community/School Partnerships
    • Life Skills
    • Recreational Time Activities
    • Mentoring Programs
    • Youth Career Development and Employment
    • Youth Leadership Programs

    Thank you for partnering with JAA to make a difference in the lives of our children.